Just created hgraca/doctrine-test-db-regeneration-bundle

While working on the next post of The Software Architecture Chronicles I ended up creating a little symfony bundle which I called hgraca/doctrine-test-db-regeneration-bundle to generate and regenerate the tests database used by a phpunit tests suite.

It is inspired by some code that Luis Cobucci wrote back in 2017, and it uses the Doctrine fixtures to generate a backup of the tests DB, which is then put in place just before every test method and removed just after every test method.

It has 3 options:

  1. We can opt to use an existing tests DB backup, if it is available. This saves us the time to generate the DB, but it will not be useful if we want to test queries that are based on time like “select all users created in the last hour” because if the backup is older than 1h our tests will fail;
  2. We can opt to not put in place a new copy of the DB at the beginning of a test method, so that we can safely use the DAMA\DoctrineTestBundle together with this bundle;
  3. We can opt to not remove the DB at the end of a test method, so that we can safely use the DAMA\DoctrineTestBundle together with this bundle.

You can check out the bundle here: hgraca/doctrine-test-db-regeneration-bundle

Hope it’s useful for more people and constructive feedback is always welcome.

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